Recent negotiations Examples

House in Girona

Listed Sale Price
260 000€

Negotiated Sale Price
245 000€

Savings Achieved
15 000€ – 5,77%

House girona
Portrait of Romain Bonhomme

Negotiation conducted by our real estate hunter Romain Bonhomme for our client Alexandre B.

House in Turis

Listed Sale Price
208 000€

Negotiated Sale Price
187 000€

Savings Achieved
21 000€ – 10,09%

House in Turis
Portrait of Maxime Boreux

Negotiation conducted by our real estate hunter Maxime Boreux for our client Pascal R.

Apartment in Rosas

Listed Sale Price
85 000€

Negotiated Sale Price
80 000€

Savings Achieved
5 000€ – 5,88%

Apartment in Rosas
Portrait of Romain Bonhomme

Negotiation conducted by our real estate hunter Romain Bonhomme for our client Aurélie D.

Apartment in Lloret de Mar

Listed Sale Price
96 000€

Negotiated Sale Price
75 000€

Savings Achieved
21 000€ – 21.88%

Apartment in Tossa de Mar
Portrait of Maxime Boreux

Negotiation conducted by our real estate hunter Maxime Boreux for our client Nicolas B.

Apartment in Llançà

Listed Sale Price
257 000€

Negotiated Sale Price
250 000€

Savings Achieved
7 000€ – 2,72%

Apartment in Catalogne
Portrait of Romain Bonhomme

Negotiation conducted by our real estate hunter Romain Bonhomme for our client Pascale L.

Important Note

The examples of savings mentioned above are provided for informational purposes and are not contractual, but they are indeed real. Each real estate transaction is unique and depends on various factors such as the nature of the property, the local market, and individual circumstances.

Our commitment to saving you time and money is genuine. We firmly believe in our ability to maximize the results of your investment.

As real estate hunters, we work solely in your interest; we do not work for sellers.

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