How much does a purchase in Spain cost without assistance?

Are you looking to buy a house or an apartment in Spain? Getting the keys to your future property without the assistance of an agency is possible. However, we wanted to present to you in a realistic way the extent of the mission that awaits you.

Inevitable Costs

Interior of an airline heading to Spain

3 Round Trips

for 2 people (2 trips for property visits and 1 trip for signing at the notary’s office).


Hotel Room

Hotel Accommodation for 6 nights.

Average cost per night: 70€


Paid Leave

6 Days of Paid Leave.

Necessary for property visits which rarely occur on Saturdays and Sundays.


Lawyer’s Payment

Lawyer’s Fee.

For document verification.




Mandatory for the authentic act signing at the notary’s office.


Lengthy Searches on Real Estate Portals

Lengthy Searches on Real Estate Portals.

Required to find good opportunities and to somewhat understand the Spanish real estate market.

Time required: 30 hours

NIE Application Procedure

NIE Application Procedure.

The process can be lengthy and complex if you are not familiar with the language.

Time required: 5 hours

Frequent and Costly Risks

Ugly Building Construction

Crucial Misunderstandings.

Risks related to language barriers, contracts, and legal documents.
Risks include:

  • New construction nearby
  • Non-buildable land
  • Hidden defects
  • High condominium fees
  • Problematic neighborhood
  • Inability to ask questions about the property due to language barrier

Compromised Project

Unverified Debts

Unverified Debts.

Regarding various taxes after the purchase.

$7000 (average)

Signature Postponement

Signature Postponement.

Non-obtaining of NIE can delay the notary’s signing.

Potential costs: 10% of property price

Legalization of a Pool


Let’s take the example of an individual house: The legalization of a pool or another structure that was not previously legalized.

$10 000 (average)

Costly Disadvantages

People signing

Inability to Negotiate Effectively

If you don’t speak Spanish and lack in-depth knowledge of the real estate market, it becomes almost impossible to negotiate the selling price of the property.

No possibility of price reduction

Loss of Objectivity of a Real Estate Agency

Loss of Objectivity

Real estate agencies have properties to sell; they also work for sellers and therefore have an interest in selling their stock. They receive commissions from sellers. A real estate hunter (without a portfolio of properties) searches in all agencies, across the entire territory, and works only in your interest.

“Influenced” Business Relationship

SpainEasy - Real Estate Hunters in Spain

SpainEasy’s Accompaniment

Our real estate agency in Spain accompanies english-speaking individuals eager to acquire a property in Spain. Our team searches, finds, and secures your dream residence by assisting you with all administrative procedures.

Searching for You

Confide in us your search criteria without hesitation.
Thanks to our access to almost all properties available in the Spanish market, we will find yours.

We Find What You're Looking For

Pre-Visits to Properties

To save you time, we visit the properties that interest you.

You Save Time


During our preliminary visits, we identify potential issues with the properties.

You Reduce Risks

Legal Verifications

Our legal department verifies all documents and translates them for your perfect understanding of your purchase.

Legal Verifications

Assistance with Administrative Procedures

From obtaining the NIE to changing electricity and gas contracts, we are by your side.

Simplification of Procedures

Presence at the Notary

We are present with you on the D-day at the notary to translate the exchanges and answer all your questions.

With You on the Day of Signing

And much more…

Signature chez le notaire lors d'un achat en Espagne
Ratings customers

What is the price of your serenity ?