Visas and Residency in Spain

Considering moving to a foreign country can be an intimidating thought, particularly with the immigration process and administrative procedures. Here we have outlined the various routes to obtain the right to remain in Spain, as a non EU citizen. If you choose to obtain a Visa, SpainEasy can recommend our trusted lawyers.

It is not necessary to obtain a visa if you want to buy a house and reside in Spain for less than 90 days every 6 months.

If you are a citizen of the European Union, you do not need a visa to live in Spain. You can freely reside and work in Spain without any time restrictions, enjoying the benefits of free movement within the EU.

3 Main Options

Non lucrative visa spain

Non Lucrative Visa

This visa is for individuals that wish to reside in Spain for more than 183 days, and it does not permit you to work in Spain. This is more suited to people looking to retire to Spain as it is not a work permit.

In order to obtain this, you must have proof of sufficient funds in your account. The funds are based upon the IPREM (a percentage of the approved cost for living in Spain). In 2023 this was roughly €30000. If you are planning to move with spouses or dependents, this price increases, depending on the IPREM, but in 2023 this was approximately €550 extra per month per person. So for example, if you and your spouse wanted to apply, you would have to have a total of approximately €38000.

In order to apply for the non lucrative visa you require:

  • A passport (valid for at least 12 months from application)
  • Visa application forms
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Medical Check
  • Criminal Record Check
  • Private Health Insurance
  • Passport photos
  • All public documents must be translated into Spanish by a sworn translator
Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad Visa

The Digital Nomad Visa offers an attractive option for professionals looking to live and work in Spain while maintaining their remote employment. This visa is designed for freelancers and employees of companies based outside of Spain, allowing them to reside in the country while working for clients or companies abroad.

To be eligible for the Digital Nomad Visa, applicants must prove they have stable employment and a regular income from sources outside Spain. Candidates need to demonstrate their ability to work remotely using digital technologies and have ongoing work contracts or professional commitments.

This visa is particularly beneficial for those seeking to enjoy Spain’s quality of life while continuing their international career. It provides the flexibility to reside in Spain for one year, with the option to renew the visa for additional periods, as long as eligibility conditions are still met.

The documents required to obtain this visa include:

  • A passport (valid for at least 12 months from the application date)
  • Visa application form
  • Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay
  • A work contract or proof of remote professional activity
  • A criminal record check
  • Private health insurance covering the duration of your stay in Spain
  • Passport photos

All public documents must be translated into Spanish by a sworn translator. It’s important to note that this visa does not require real estate or financial investment in Spain, making it accessible to a broader range of professionals wishing to experience a digital nomad lifestyle in Spain.

Golden Visa Spain

Golden Visa

The Golden Visa program, which is being phased out as of April 2024, previously granted residency permits to individuals investing in the Spanish economy, particularly through real estate purchases valued at a minimum of €500,000. These investments could span multiple properties. The visa allowed holders to work in Spain and reside there without a minimum stay requirement; they could live in Spain for as little as one month per year or for the entire year. This flexibility made the program attractive to investors. It is still currently valid (00/00/0000), but with its end announced, potential applicants should act quickly before the program officially concludes.

Read more : Spain Ends Golden Visa: Exploring New Residency Options for Non-EU Investors

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